It aired from the network’s new nationwide news centre at CHAN-TV’s studio in Burnaby, British Columbia. In February 2005, it launched a weekend version anchored by Tara Nelson until 2008 and Robin Gill since. Global News is the news and present affairs division of the Canadian Global Television Network. The community is owned by Corus Entertainment, which oversees all the community’s national news programming in addition to local news on its 21 owned-and-operated stations. The European Union has imposed sanctions on the Eritrean authorities’s National Security Office , accusing it of significant human rights violations – together with extra-judicial killings, torture, arbitrary arrests and enforced disappearances. The worldwide neighborhood “simply can not look the other way” on the abuse of human rights to Uighur Muslims in Chinas, says the UK international secretary.

The weekly program, titled 16×9 – The Bigger Picture, contains a excessive-gloss, tabloid format, and is the network’s first foray into the sphere lengthy occupied by CTV’s W-FIVE and CBC’s the fifth estate. Global also formerly aired a weekly documentary collection, Global Currents. Eritrea was considered one of a number of states from all over the world to be targeted by the EU for alleged human rights violations. …